Assertive communication

Communicating assertively (and therefore clearly)

"A 'yes' nod, a 'no' think?"

Do you sometimes get told that you are too direct? Or do you just often come into contact with articulate people and find it difficult to take charge of the conversation? When something is not immediately clear to you, you hesitate to "bother" others with it. After a conversation you think about what you could have said, but during the conversation you sometimes get completely blocked.

It is not always easy to put into words exactly what you are thinking and feeling. Sometimes you prefer to remain silent so as not to hurt anyone's feelings, or you may be overwhelmed by the opinions of others and then shut up. Or the opposite: you may have said what you wanted to say, but still have a nagging feeling of guilt. Wasn't it just that little bit too direct? Didn't you tend to be more aggressive than assertive?

Is this recognisable? Then this webinar is for you (Dutch, 1h5’). Assertiveness is not a character trait: it is a skill that you can develop.

More information about assertive communication (pdf, English)