When you first start working with General Data Protection Regulations, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the extent of the task involved. And it’s tempting to conclude that the rules are an unnecessary evil that has been dreamt up by EU bureaucrats.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

The protection of privacy is in the interests of individuals and society alike, helping to ensure that nobody needs to worry about whether their personal data is being misused. The right to privacy is a value that European politicians have decided to give extremely high priority. Indeed, they regard it as a fundamental right. The GDPR rules form a common framework for the way in which personal data must be treated, allowing both for the rights of people being registered, and for the need to exchange personal data freely.

In other words, when working with issues related to personal data, we must remember that the goal is to protect a fundamental right: the security of each individual.

If you use the GDPR rules correctly, you will be helping to give control to the people involved, allowing them to decide who to entrust their data to. And on a purely practical level, working with the GDPR rules also helps to comply with legislative requirements and generate trust in the process of digitalisation.