Case Competition UC Limburg November 8 & 9 2022

On November 8 & 9 2022 44 students from Norway, Denmark & Belgium participated in the second Belgian case competition held at the campus of UC Limburg in Diepenbeek.

On November 8 & 9 2022 44 students from Norway, Denmark & Belgium participated in the second Belgian case competition held at the campus of UC Limburg in Diepenbeek. The 4 Danish students and 4 Norwegian students worked together with 20 Belgian marketing students and 16 Belgian SME management students in multidisciplinary and international teams.

Through two different cases the groups had to manage different skills such as teamwork, business understanding, problem solving and sustainable thinking. Both winning teams mentioned the teamwork and communication as one of the key skills in their work during the competition.

The first case addressed sustainability within clothing industry and the teams were tasked to see the issue from either the perspective of the fashion entrepreneurs or from the perspective of the city and its citizens. The winning international team addressed the meeting and working with new people as one of their biggest experiences during the competitions, but also highlighted their brainstorming process as a big part of their success. Not only the international aspect of the teamwork was important for the team, but also different skill sets being used. 

The second case was creating a profitable workable business model for the concept of Froep (Soup and Fruit at Schools), a sustainable and social measure to ensure that every child gets a decent meal for free. The winning international team also highlighted teamwork and communication as an important part of their process, as well as seeking more information e.g., more key numbers from the company. This way, they kept the business aspect in my mind during the case competition, which they thought themselves was part of the reason of their win.

The case competition in Belgium November 8 & 9 was not only a way for the students to gain experience with case solving, but a great opportunity for the students to meet their international peers.